Scrape Sensor Update Frequency

Can someone tell me please how often the scrape sensor updates itself from the website it is scraping from? In my setup it doesn’t seem to update very often.

All +/- 30 seconds.

Sorry I don’t understand that. Can you explain? Thanks.

The scrape sensor is a polling device and thus polling is done every 30 seconds. Meaning it tries to get data twice per minute.

is it possible to change the frequency somehow?

Haven‘t tested yet but try:

Does anyone know if this works? I am using the scrape sensor to get data on bin collections from my council website, but only need it to update once a day at most!

I also have this situation - I’d be happy with an update every few hours, but it seems to run every 30 seconds. I’ve tried setting the scan_interval but while I don’t receive an error, the setting seems to be ignored.

scan_interval: 300

seems to work now - when I set this, it updates every 5 min

anyone knows how to refresh it at a certain hour of the day.
Because if i take

scan_interval: 86400

which is daily. i have a risk of having it update at the wrong moment depending on the last lime my home assistant instance rebooted.

You could use multiscrape (which I’m the author from). It also provides a service for scraping, which you could trigger at a specific time with an automation.

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