Scrape the dynamic graph

how do I scrape a dynamic graph of the internet?
the url is:
i want to scrape the basic+ graph and display the whole graph in my home assistant (that’s what we pay)
can not get it to work… not even with chatgpt

Scraping does not have Javascript

so what in Home Assistant would be able to display this?

Do it properly

Not sure that is correct I just googled and that is what came up

If @Hellis81’s suggestion doesn’t get you anywhere, the data that makes up that graph is from here:

…which I found using browser DevTools. Note that it’s a POST request with some parameters that you’ll have to duplicate. On my browser, these were:


That then returns:

    "versionInfo": {
        "hasModuleVersionChanged": false,
        "hasApiVersionChanged": false
    "data": {
        "DataPoints": {
            "List": [
                    "Label": "0",
                    "Value": "0.05",
                    "DataSeriesName": "Stroom",
                    "Tooltip": "0u €0,05",
                    "Color": "var(--color-orange-shade)"
                    "Label": "1",
                    "Value": "0.04",
                    "DataSeriesName": "Stroom",
                    "Tooltip": "1u €0,04",
                    "Color": "var(--color-orange-shade)"
[…and so on]

You’d need to build a set of sensors using the RESTful integration to pull in the data, then create a graph to display it.

You’re wasting your time even trying.

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Ive got a similar question to the original one of this topic. Im trying to scrape/get some data into home assistant from the following link;

Backstory, the data I am actually interested in is the forecasted energy price per hour for the next days from this website
It only appears upon hovering over the graph.
Not sure if it is easier/more doable ot get it out of that hovering objects or out of the link above.

I do have the calculations figured out how to extract that data from prices_v2.php.
I basically need the Y coordinates from the second block between [ and ] loaded into HA, and than I can calculate it from there.

Hope someone can help, thanks in advance! returns a JSON, so you can look up the values, but for any practical application, you would indeed need to know the X-axis reference. Do you know for which X reference you would need the Y value?

Yes, I know. I actually need multiple X references if possible cause I would love to know for example the next 48hours (maybe in something like an array).
The data is divided in 6 blocks in between [ ] brackets.
The first block seems to be the known values for the next day and are not of interest.
Any of the other 5 blocks are directly related to 1 sample for every hour, starting with the first sample being today at 12AM.
So I would like a array containing the first 48 Y values of the second block opened with [ bracket.

I found my solution! Had to look for a command line sensor to make this work.

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Great to hear! I was going to suggest a rest sensor:

. - resource:
    scan_interval: 86400
      - name: "Priced"
        unique_id: prices
        value_template: {{value_json[0][0].y}}

You could make a loop to get more value by increasing the second 0 in the JSON dictionary.

would you mind sharing your solution?