Given the uncertainty of the API, and the fact that I never used it anyway, I set up a quick Scrape sensor to pull the temperature off the web site for my PWS. It worked great for a while but WU has now changed the page I was scraping, and it’s much harder to isolate the temperature on the new one. I think they send it as an image now.
I know WU offers a bunch of widgets; small snippets of code you can insert into other web pages. The one I set up years ago, however, doesn’t send the values as text, but generates an image, instead.
Before I go and re-read all the PWS documentation, has anyone found a reasonably stable, scrape-able PWS page? Or an easier way to get just the data (temp, wind speed, rainfall, whatever) from WU?
I do have an API key from previous tinkering with PWS. But lately I’ve heard a lot about the API going away or the custom component not working. I was thinking maybe I should be looking around for a different solution.
I tried this, and it works, thanks!! I may just use this for now, and not worry about the API going away unless/until it happens.