I’ve managed to scrape one part of webpage but can’t work out how to get the data from other parts within a table.
This works to get the date of the first upcoming match on here:
- resource: https://stmcc.play-cricket.com/Teams/254817
- name: Test Next Game Date
select: "#collapseTwo > div > div.container.section-fixtures.section-fixtures-team > div:nth-child(2) > div"
icon: mdi:cricket
but to get the time, location and each team it seems it’s within a table and inspecting and copying the selector element doesn’t work.
What I have for the time of the game is
- resource: https://stmcc.play-cricket.com/Teams/254817
- name: Test Next Game Time
select: "#collapseTwo > div > div.container.section-fixtures.section-fixtures-team > div:nth-child(3) > div > div.d-block.d-md-flex > div.col-sm-10.bgGray > table > tbody > tr.d-none.d-md-table-row > td > div > p.time.mr-15"
icon: mdi:cricket
and for the first team is:
- resource: https://stmcc.play-cricket.com/Teams/254817
- name: Test Next Game Home Team
select: "#collapseTwo > div > div.container.section-fixtures.section-fixtures-team > div:nth-child(3) > div > div.d-block.d-md-flex > div.col-sm-10.bgGray > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td.col-xs-5.col-sm-3.col-md-3.text-center.text-md-right.bgGray > p.txt1"
icon: mdi:cricket