I’m having a hard time to get information of a website.
I’m new in the templating business and can’t find any good explanations how to use of the split-function.
What I’m trying to do is to get the value (in %) of the attribute ‘style="margin-left: 3%’ (in this case obviously 3) of the class “crowd-level-tag crowd-level-pointer” from https://www.boulderwelt-muenchen-ost.de/
Background: It’s the estimated occupancy rate of my boulder place.
So I’m nearly there, but I can’t get to extract the needed number from this line.
If you can point me into the right direction it would be much appreciated!
But I stumpled upon another problem.
The output above I get only if I follow the steps of the Jupyter Notebook by hand.
But in Home-Assistant the sensor state will be empty.
Is it filtered somehow?