Scraping some API info for public transit

Hi all, could someone help me to obtain the information below in a HA-readable format?

What I’m trying to do is run this query (which asks for route options for a specific set of start-end stations):

The result is below, which is more than the max. 255 chars supported by the REST sensor component…I would need to somehow access all of it, but how can I structure it? Should I use the Scrape sensor instead?

Thanks in advance for any help!

“routes”: [
“duration”: 244,
“segments”: [
“stops”: [
“id”: 3527,
“lat”: 44.409409,
“lng”: 26.122875,
“name”: “Pod Mihai Bravu”,
“time”: “2019-02-28T22:23:44+0200”,
“segment_index”: 0
“id”: 3489,
“lat”: 44.407613,
“lng”: 26.12127,
“name”: “Pasaj Mihai Bravu”,
“time”: “2019-02-28T22:24:48+0200”,
“segment_index”: 5
“id”: 3182,
“lat”: 44.397633,
“lng”: 26.120779,
“name”: “Pridvorului”,
“time”: “2019-02-28T22:27:48+0200”,
“segment_index”: 8
“timetable”: false,
“id”: “1:3527:1:3182”,
“transport_type”: “TRAM”,
“transport_line_id”: 67,
“transport_vehicle_id”: 118,
“transport_vehicle_code”: “344”,
“transport_name”: “10”,
“transport_color”: “#79c723”,
“start_time”: “2019-02-28T22:23:44+0200”,
“stop_time”: “2019-02-28T22:27:48+0200”,
“segment_path”: “yunG_cm~CpBbDj@p@n@j@b@RtBj@zP@nk@~@”,
“direction_name”: “Romprim”,
“direction”: 1,
“duration”: 244000,
“is_timetable”: false
“start_time”: “2019-02-28T22:23:44+0200”,
“stop_time”: “2019-02-28T22:27:48+0200”
“duration”: 441,
“segments”: [
“stops”: [
“id”: -1,
“lat”: 44.408631,
“lng”: 26.122892,
“name”: “Pod Mihai Bravu”,
“time”: “2019-02-28T22:27:28+0200”,
“segment_index”: 0
“id”: 3781,
“lat”: 44.407896,
“lng”: 26.120068,
“name”: “Soseaua Mihai Bravu”,
“time”: “2019-02-28T22:32:49+0200”,
“segment_index”: 45
“timetable”: false,
“id”: “-1:1:3781”,
“transport_type”: “WALK”,
“transport_name”: “WALK”,
“transport_color”: “#444444”,
“start_time”: “2019-02-28T22:27:28+0200”,
“stop_time”: “2019-02-28T22:32:49+0200”,
“direction_name”: “Soseaua Mihai Bravu”,
“direction”: 0,
“duration”: 321000,
“is_timetable”: false
“stops”: [
“id”: 3781,
“lat”: 44.407896,
“lng”: 26.120068,
“name”: “Soseaua Mihai Bravu”,
“time”: “2019-02-28T22:32:49+0200”,
“segment_index”: 0
“id”: 3797,
“lat”: 44.404258,
“lng”: 26.120946,
“name”: “Costache Stamate”,
“time”: “2019-02-28T22:33:49+0200”,
“segment_index”: 6
“id”: 3673,
“lat”: 44.399343,
“lng”: 26.120781,
“name”: “Pridvorului”,
“time”: “2019-02-28T22:34:49+0200”,
“segment_index”: 9
“timetable”: true,
“id”: “1:3781:1:3673”,
“transport_type”: “BUS”,
“transport_line_id”: 135,
“transport_name”: “313”,
“transport_color”: “#2228ae”,
“start_time”: “2019-02-28T22:32:49+0200”,
“stop_time”: “2019-02-28T22:34:49+0200”,
“segment_path”: “kl`nGmql~CN]rAqA|@e@LYZYjOXhBElZf@”,
“direction_name”: “Turnu Magurele”,
“direction”: 1,
“duration”: 120000,
“is_timetable”: true
“start_time”: “2019-02-28T22:27:28+0200”,
“stop_time”: “2019-02-28T22:34:49+0200”