Screek Human Sensor 2A - LD2450 24Ghz mmWave Human Tracker Sensor

I used those tool, but the image you’re seeing is not related to the card.

The entities for the device are split into the two names, which is why the card doesn’t work. Manually correcting the entity names let’s the card work fine.

I’m using the latest beta firmware so perhaps that’s where the entity names went wrong.

  1. connected device to wifi
  2. installed device via the integration
  3. visited device via IP and updated OTA to latest beta firmware
  4. installed the map mod
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We’ll look into this, but it seems like an odd situation considering that the code currently uses uniform device names. But we’ll look into it.

We speculate that it may be that the original firmware was our very early firmware and later updates corrected the property names.

We apparently misspelled it in the early days.

That’s absolutely possible. I bought it in July 2023 and just got around to unboxing it :smiley:

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That makes complete sense, and it looks like that’s what it’s all about.

For my misunderstanding in the picture I may have thought it was partly human and partly humen. for after all that time, a firmware update for the ld2450 using hlkradartool is also necessary.

First off all thank you screek for sharing your code.
I use the code in my setup with ESP32 devV4 and the ld2450 without a light sensor. The sensor is powered via the 5v pin. Unfortunately I experience a lot of reboots and strange behavior of the esp when flashing while the sensor ist connected.

When running, the uptime looks like this. You can notice multiple reboots when the radar detects someone:

The reset reason shown is always sw reset cpu.
I also see warnings for long operation time during uart communication.
The same behavior could be observed when using other controller boards like wemos or esp32 devkit 1.

Has anyone experienced similar behavior or knows the reason?

@screek-workshop is there a way of homing these devices into the Home Assistant ESPHome addon? I want to be able to configure my sensor with a static IP address.

Is it possible with this sensor to detect and fire events based on the direction of movement of a target into or out of a zone?

For example I think it would be cool to do something like this:

  1. Target moving into zone 1 toward sensor, turn light on (entering from a doorway)
  2. Target moving out of zone 1 away from sensor, turn light off (exiting the room)
  3. Target moving out of zone 2 away from sensor, do not turn light off immediately, set a timer for turn off if not detected again (exiting the room to a closet or bathroom, likely to reenter soon)

imho you can achieve something like this only through post processing, data coming from the sensor are not enough for this evaluation (you have coordinates and speed, you have to calculate direction

Perhaps it would be possible as a feature of the esp32 firmware to expose those calculations to home assistant. It doesn’t seem like something that would work well if attempted as a home assistant automation. I’ll have to look at the code. My work is mostly in typescript so I don’t have much familiarity with esphome stuff yet. Not sure if it’s something I’d be able to implement.

sure, if the sensor is connected to a esphome mcu i’d definitely do this in the esp32 code
i’d not even try to do this as an automation :slight_smile:
(my post processing was intended as “working on data exiting the sensor”, not on data exiting the integration :slight_smile: )