Screwed yaml file, now I get 404 error when I try to log in locally

Ha os on X86, absolute beginner. I don’t mind full reset to default, please help.
I can only access via keyboard.

This did not work

I don’t use haos but you could try


just to see what dir you are in.

so you are in root dir /.
Do you know some basic linux commands? Like

ls -l 

to list directory tree. I don’t know where config directory is in haos try to find it. Or try to find configuration.yaml file with something like

find / -iname configuration.yaml

I don’t, But this is what I received back from that command

I don’t know what you did, and you didn’t explained much.
Basically you have two options. Use this, spend some time to learn some basic commands. You have a lot of info on the net or just reinstall.
In debian with supervised installation config dir is where configuration.yaml is.

I was trying to set up remote access to HA via, I added local, external urls, and since then I can only acces HA via keyboard/cli

So you messed up configuration.yaml file. No problem. Go to that directory
cd /mnt/something
and open configuration.yaml file with editor. Now I don’t know what editor you have. Try mc command for midnight commander, maybe it’s installed by default. If it isn’t try vi like

vi configuration.yaml

For input use “i”. When you finish editing press esc, than : and letters wq. This mean save.
You have to comment out lines you put in configuration.yaml file. You do that with # sign in the begging of line.
That is how you will revert your changes. And reboot in the end.

Thanks Daniel, I got here now. But ESC and WQ do nothing. Sorry , this is my first day.

I don’t see anything on this picture. What did you do?
You have a lot of info online how to edit file with vi. So check this out. You just have to comment out your changed.
You don’t have to do it now. Leave it for tomorrow.

vi configuration.yaml

This command I did.

Ok and with letter i you can access editor mode, meaning you can change file.
Esc exit editor
: wq save changes and quit.

I think I will go mad, it now says this:

Look on the net for command on exiting vi editor.
If you saved changes check file with cat configuration.yaml

Ok, somehow I managed to put ESC and then :wq in, but it says on bottom;

Ok you probably can’t edit file because you have to be root. Do the same just with sudo
sudo vi configuration.yaml
It will ask you for root password so type it in.

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Finally this worked ! :slight_smile:

I am now able to login via pc !!!

I just need to fix this, as it says I
HAOS now runs in safe mode