Is there anybody that can help me with this?
I’m trying to create a “universal” script that will toggle the addons installed on the system.
The switching on and off for the addons works perfectly but I also wanto to disable the button while the sensor that I use to determine the state of the addon has changed state. So I use mqtt and set the topic specific to the button I pressed to “running” and then to “idle” when the stat has changed.
I was able to produce this:
alias: Addon Toggle
- variables:
current_state: "{{ states(sensor) }}"
prefix: "{{ sensor.split('.')[1].split('_')[0] }}_"
my_topic: buttons/{{ sensor.split('.')[1].split(prefix)[1] }}
- service: mqtt.publish
qos: "0"
retain: false
topic: "{{ my_topic }}"
payload: "{ \"status\" : \"running\" }"
- service: |-
{% if states(sensor) == 'up' %}
{{ "hassio.addon_stop" }}
{% else %}
{{ "hassio.addon_start" }}
{% endif %}
addon: |-
{% set addon = name %}
{{ addon }}
- wait_template: "{{not is_state(sensor, current_state)}}"
- service: mqtt.publish
qos: "0"
retain: false
topic: "{{ my_topic }}"
payload: "{ \"status\" : \"idle\" }"
mode: single
What really bugs me is that this script works just fine when the state goes from up to down but not viceversa… I mean it works but the wait _template goes a 5/10 seconds longer thant the state (I can see it because the button change color when the state changes).
Why the hell it can’t work like the other way around?
thank you in advance.