I swear sometime in the recent past I have seen my examples show up using fields, I’m thinking in the developer tab.
HA Docs say that examples show up in Developer Tab and Defaults show up in the UI.
Now for the life of me I only see default entry, never the example entry. Was there a bug that floated in there somewhere? Looking for someone to verify weather they can see a field: example. If not, I will be glad to write it up. Just afraid I’m doing something wrong and as a result I cannot see example.
To be clear, If I code examples, both developer and UI shows blanks. If I code default, I see the default in both places.
Just thinking that with the changes in the UI, there is now nowhere examples show up, so they may be redundant.
name: Message
description: This will set the message
required: false
example: "I'm lost"
default: "He's lost"
multiline: true
type: text
name: Message
description: This will set the message
required: false
example: "I'm lost"
multiline: true
type: text