I get a “Message malformed: Entity {{ airco_id }} is neither a valid entity ID nor a valid UUID for dictionary value @ data[‘sequence’][1][‘if’][0][‘conditions’][0][‘entity_id’]” when trying to save the script. What am I doing wrong here?
This is the argument/parameter I want to pass from a custom card. I suspect that this is where I get the error from, but I don’t know how to properly write it. I want to pass a climateID as a parameter/argument, so I can reuse the script for my other air conditioners
I have 4 air conditioners. If I understand you correctly, I will need to create 4 different script with the same code, but a different climate ID for each of the airco’s?
Edit: I guess this will be my only option. Thank you for your input @Sir_Goodenough
You are calling it from the dashboard.
I don’t really do that in my world, but if it were being called from an automation I know you can do it.
You need to have help from a dashboard person maybe.
Basically you need a valid entity name to be passed,then it should work.