I’m very new to HA, less than a week.
Till now I have installed HA and Node-red(node red can’t communicate with HA yet).
I wanted to create a simple script in HA which then I’m planning to call from Automations.
Logic is simple if else. If one dimmer switch is on, do this otherwise do this.
alias: scriptTest
- condition: device
type: is_off
device_id: f9562e6ce45ff4a104fbc7166e6a8eef
entity_id: light.sec_dimmer
domain: light
- type: turn_off
device_id: 10fed43cb2bd874f602de2e0b76ad8f3
entity_id: light.bedroom_light
domain: light
- condition: device
type: is_on
device_id: f9562e6ce45ff4a104fbc7166e6a8eef
entity_id: light.sec_dimmer
domain: light
- type: turn_on
device_id: 10fed43cb2bd874f602de2e0b76ad8f3
entity_id: light.bedroom_light
domain: light
brightness_pct: 50
mode: queued
max: 10
Its not working, when my sec_dimmer is on and I manually execute this scrip it should turn on the bedroom light( or so I think).
Can anyone help me?
You’ve misunderstood the logic of conditions in scripts.
Your first condition is that light.sec_dimmer is off. So if it is on the script will not proceed any further.
Please refer to the documentation for script syntax.
Thank You @anon43302295.
I am not finding much information about conditional logic where there are multiple conditions. I created this using UI and I don’t see anything there which allows if/else type in logic.
All I want is simple.
If light A is on, turn on OtherLight A
else if Light A is off, turn off OtherLight A
" Unlike a trigger, which is always or
, conditions are and
by default - all conditions have to be true."
So, it looks like I can’t use conditions to implement if/else type logic.
OK, well - setting a light’s brightness to zero with the turn on service turns it off, so your entire script can be replaced with this…
alias: scriptTest
- service: light.turn_on
entity_id: light.bedroom_light
brightness_pct: "{{ 50 if is_state('light.sec_dimmer', 'on') else 0 }}"
But me writing this hasn’t really taught you anything, you need to spend some more time with the documentation because it is definitely all there.