Script launch button entity_picture


I am new in this system but I am finding a lot of info along the forum and solving my topics. But still one topic open in my config that does not find a solution.
I have a lovelace card with some buttons to launch a few scripts running properly. But I want to use a custom image for those buttons, I override the entity_picture in customize.yaml file for my script and I can see the new image placed in my local file shown when I choose this entity somewhere in the configuration of HA, but when I create a button to lauch this script the image still the default mdi icon for an script option.
What I am loosing? Where I need to customize the image for a lovelace button? As far I know and all the tests I did Icon option is only for mdi icons and is not the solution I am looking for.

Additional info:
cutomize code on my configuration.yaml:

  customize: !include customize.yaml

Then customized.yaml content:

  entity_picture: /local/window-shutter75.png

I can see my new icon when I choose this script as entity in HA config, but not in the card button I pretend.



Hello again

No suggestions?
