Script scaffold throwing error

I have forked and cloned the core repo to see how to add an integration, I’ve done the needed steps but when I get to generate an integration using script.scaffold, when it starts running the hassfest part, I get the following error:

I tried removing these 2 lines in the and it worked after rerunning the command again, but I am not sure that it’s correct this way to remove these lines:

what I am trying to know is why it failed there and how can I avoid that without removing these lines?

I am using WSL on Windows by the way.

I had the same erorr today trying to create my development environment.

Running the script hassfest manually throws the following error:

Integration integration_name:
* [ERROR] [QUALITY_SCALE] Quality scale definition not found. New integrations are required to at least reach the Bronze tier.

i haven’t found a solution yet.

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