Script to send a text to speech message to alexa

I have try to make a script to send a text to speeach message to my alexa.

This is my configuration

But if I run the script I got this error:

Maybe anyone have an idea

service: notify.alexa_media
  message: 'your message goes here'
  target: media_player.echo_dot
    type: announce

Do not forget to replace echo_dot with your own device name.

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Ok perfekt this works for the first test.

Now I try to put an variable to the script:

service: notify.alexa_media
  message: '{{ message }}'
  target: media_player.alexa_wohnzimmer1_2
    type: announce

And then I make an automation:

alias: Alexa Test
description: ''
mode: single
  - platform: state
    entity_id: light.shapes_d392
    from: 'off'
    to: 'on'
condition: []
  - service: script.alexa_sprachausgabe_wohnzimmer_og
    message: Das ist ein Test

But with this I got the following error if I save the automation:
Message malformed: extra keys not allowed @ datal’action’][0]l’message’

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You can also call service notify.alexa_media.echo_dot, calling the specific device, then skip specifying the target. For type, if you use announce, then the alexa will play a notification sound before saying the message. If you want to just say the message without the notification sound, then use type: tts.

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Thank you it works.

This the code:


service: notify.alexa_media_alexa_wohnzimmer1_2
  message: '{{ message }}'
    type: announce


service: script.alexa_sprachausgabe_wohnzimmer_og
  message: OG Wohnzimmer Nanoleaf Tür wurde eingeschaltet
    type: announce

But I have one more question. Is it possible to put more than one notify in a script? If yes how?

in automation, you don’t need second data which includes type: announce, it is already part of script

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Thanks for the correction.

But can I put two service: notify in one script?
I would put for example
notify.alexa_media_alexa_wohnzimmer1_2 and notify.alexa_media_alexa_buero

You can put multiple service calls in script, it is similar to actions of an automation, you are the limit :slight_smile:

Have you an example for a multiple service call in a script?

I got it with the following code:

alias: Alexa Sprachausgabe EG komlett
  - service: notify.alexa_media_echo_dot
      message: '{{ message }}'
        type: announce
  - service: notify.alexa_media_2_echo_dot
      message: '{{ message }}'
        type: announce
mode: single
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Perfect, as a side note, you can create a notification group and add related speakers under it and just use group entity to send messages. For two, it may not be very important.

Ok thanks. But now I have put all the speakers separately in the script :blush:

Please mark the solution so other users can get benefit of it

Sorry I don’t find the button to do that :see_no_evil:

Sorry, but there is no button: