Script 'Turn On/Off/etc' on top of dropdown menu

It would be great if the “main” options for a Call Service like turn on/off would be the first options on the dropdown menu - espeically for scripts.

Right now I have to scroll nearlly all the way to the bottom because the dropdown menu is in alphabetically order to find ‘Script: Turn On’:

This would probably be good for automations instead of having to type “script.turn” to quickly navigate down.

try typing “turn” instead

Great tip! I’m just trying to avoid the keyboard in general :slight_smile:

Keyboard is the main input device on a computer, so you will set yourself back a bit by avoiding it. :slight_smile:

Touché but with the new UI there’s a lot more clicking that needs to be done so my hand is already on the mouse.

Before when adding; for example a light to turn on you could type “living room light” straight after clicking turn on light service but now you have to click inside the box drop-down boxes. Not sure what’s changes but the new UI means more clicks

I have most of my automations and script in Node Read, so I have not noticed. :slight_smile:

Been playing around and ”turn” ends up showing all the other turn on/off options

Yeah, that is true.
It is a game of finding the best keyword to search for, but “script.turn_on” does not leave many options. :frowning: