I’ve created a bash file on my Nas, and want to execute it using Hassio.
Created a script in scripts.yaml:
alias: TM Remove completed
- service: shell_command.tm_remove
shell_command.yaml contains:
tm_remove: ssh -i /config/sshnas/id_rsa -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q hassio@[ip nas] /var/services/homes/hassio/transmission_remove_finished.sh
Setup authentication between Hassio and Nas using authentication keys, so that is not the problem.
When I test the service in Developer Tools, it works fine, the .sh is executed:
Developer Tools > Services > Service: script.transmission_remove > Call Service
Created a button in ui-lovelace.yaml:
- type: button
name: tr remove
title: remove tm
icon: mdi:delete-forever
service: script.transmission_remove
Restarted transmission, but the button does not work.