I have this issue with a lot of my scripts. This is a simpler one to work with here. I’ve added the “max” option to this one just to include it, even though the default is fine.
I have my scripts, each in their own file.
script: !include_dir_named ../scripts
so this script is…
This script works just fine.
alias: "Light Ramp Down"
description: "..."
mode: "queued"
max: 40
description: "The entities to ramp down."
example: "[light.desk_lamps, light.kitchen_lights]"
- repeat:
count: "{{ entities | length }}"
- variables:
logger_name: "eav.script.util.light_ramp_down"
debug_level: "{{ states('input_select.automation_log_level') }}"
entity: "{{ entities[repeat.index-1] }}"
brightness: "{{ (state_attr(entity, 'brightness')|int(0) / 255 * 100)|int }}"
step: >
{% if brightness|int >= 30 %}10{% else %}5{% endif %}
- service: light.turn_on
entity_id: "{{ entity }}"
brightness_pct: >
{{ [brightness|int(0) - step|int(0), 5]|max }}
transition: 0
- service: system_log.write
message: "Ramping down {{entity}} from {{brightness}} by {{step}}."
level: "{{debug_level}}"
logger: "{{logger_name}}"
Here is a screenshot to show VSCode…
As soon as I put the fields section it, VSCode starts detecting an error.
Just wondering if I am doing something wrong.