I’ve been having an issue with my a/c recently where it will just randomly stop blowing air even though all my thermostats are on and I’ve been trying to get it fixed for a month now, but its been super irritating to discover that the a/c hasn’t been working for the last hour+ , so I wrote a script to alert me if the temperature isn’t dropping like it should. I’ve read hundreds of forum posts over the last day or two trying to figure out how the scripting works in home assistant and have bounced between trying to get a trend helper to watch the temperature, trying to expose more entities off a device, trying to make a modular script with a return_value, and just trying to incorporate basic use of variables, but there isn’t any decent documentation on this stuff. The official documentation is very lacking when it comes to the underlying behavior of how a script is evaluated and variables have some critical undocumented rules.
That said, here are some of the most useful things I’ve learned while researching all of this:
Variables are NOT defined where you specify them, they are defined at the beginning of the scope they’re currently in. If you want to force a variable to be defined, it seems like you can do this by defining a new scope with a sequence.
Incorrect, they are defined where they are written. A variable after a delay calculates the variable once the delay completes. -
Typing an open bracket into the value section of the IF/ELSE script gui crashes my browser, but that doesn’t mean you cant use dynamic values in conditions. Using the Edit script in YAML at the top of the page is much nicer overall, and using the gui is a helpful way to doublecheck syntax or search for autocomplete.
If using a dynamic value in a conditional, the condition type should be “template” and the value_template should evaluate to a truthy value. I wasn’t able to use variables in any way but this.
The trend helper seems to only be useful if you know exactly how often the device is being polled for change, otherwise I have no idea how you’re supposed to figure out any of the parameters to configure it.
You can’t simply stick a sensor into a variable, you have to use states(‘sensor.sensor_name’) and then you have to cast the type of that. In my case I was trying to access a temperature so I had to pipe it to “float” before doing any comparison, otherwise you get an esoteric error message about a dictionary (since a string is an array of characters I would assume)
EDIT: You should never use the template editor as a debugger for whether a script is parsable. The variables just wont work.
Anyway, here’s the script. I couldn’t find anything like it online so I’m sharing it here. I have it kicked off by an automation when the a/c gets set to “cooling” and It checks every 15 minutes while the a/c is on to make sure the temperature isn’t rising and if it is it sends out a notification, although once I confirm there aren’t any bugs I’ll probably just have it shut the a/c off automatically so i’m not wasting electricity.
alias: loft temp sensor
- repeat:
- condition: state
entity_id: climate.loft
attribute: hvac_action
state: cooling
- variables:
temp: "{{ states('sensor.loft_current_temperature') }}"
- delay:
hours: 0
minutes: 15
seconds: 0
milliseconds: 0
- if:
- condition: template
value_template: "{{ ((states('sensor.loft_current_temperature')|float) - (temp|float)) > 0 }}"
- condition: and
- condition: state
entity_id: climate.loft
attribute: hvac_action
state: cooling
- action: notify.mobile_app_cph2551
message: A/C fucked
title: Warning!
description: ""
icon: mdi:air-conditioner
Anyway I just got a notification that my a/c is fucked so I gotta go fix it. Hope this helps anyone in a similar situation.