Scripts dont work in Scenes

I cant get scripts work in scenes, my scripts work fine outside the this ?

when i put a bulb in the scene , it turn on fine.

(I want a scene, because I want to expose it for Google Home. and we dont have Routines in Denmark)

You can’t use scripts in scenes, see also the discussion in this topic.

Convert your scenes to scripts and call your other scripts from there.

Thanks , but I dont get it - I want to have scenes because scenes is exposed to google home
(why is the option in HA , when I can use it?)

I can maybe convert my scripts to scenes, but the other way is easy, because I all ready have my scripts.

can you give me a sample of this : Convert your scenes to scripts and call your other scripts from there.

You can use it, you just can’t turn on scripts from scenes.

  alias: Script that calls another script
    - service: light.turn_on            
      entity_id: ligh.some_light
    - service: script.another_script

thanks again , but why should I call a script in another script ? its only “scenes” that I can use in google home by voice.

One use case is a generic script that takes parameters and the other scripts calls this script with different parameters.

Yeah, I overlooked this part with Google Home before I made my suggestion. But I can just tell you that you can NOT use scripts in scenes.