All of my packages contents are recognized in Hassio, except for the scripts i’ve declared in these Packages. Talking regular yaml script here, not Python scripts.
That is, i can’t see these in the state-entity inspector <>
Automations, customizations, input_selects, groups, are all recognized and shown fine.
Scripts aren’t seen, and i need to put these in the separate scripts configuration section i also have to be recognized.
Strange thing is that some of these unidentified scripts do work.
Is this expected behavior? If yes, some reference to that should be placed in the documentation. If not, what should i change in my configuration to read scripts from within packages…
Hi, I don’t use Hassio… but I remember some users experiencing differents behaviors in hassio, I don’t remeber if this was confirmed or not…
Try set the logger to info or debug to find any hint… sometimes is small thing that causes a domino effect…
uses input_boolean.onsleep_music and input_number.onsleep_delay… where are these declared? id like to use something like that, but cant find the code in your configuration.
Could you please point me to them, i’d like to get rid of the unknown’s in my logs
btw you might be interested in the timestamp_custom I’ve been able to realize successfully. In Yaml that is, both in automations and scripts, not in Python.
title: "Selected Activity: {{states.input_select.activity.state}} at {{ as_timestamp(states.input_select.activity.last_updated) | timestamp_custom ('%H:%M') }}"
message: "{{ as_timestamp(states.input_select.activity.last_updated) | timestamp_custom ('%H:%M') }}:Espresso is klaar over 10 minuten!"
shows the time both in title and message, just for testing purposes here, but the effect is to be tailored as you like.
I use these now in the mode and activity selection scripts, creating nice feedback from the!