If I go to https://mydomain/config/script/dashboard, there are no scripts.
So I create a simple one using UI. Result is the same - no script is showing up.
If I go to the /config folder (mount from a macbook), I can see that scripts.yaml has been created there (and has correct content).
I was expecting scripts to show up in UI as well.
I can see on this forum that this has been a problem in the past (several years ago).
Do they show up if you reload the scripts? And are you sure there is no error in the script? Because loading the scripts (and thus showing them in the UI as well) will fail if there is an error.
I have created a really simple script:
alias: Test script
- service: vacuum.start
device_id: f6cdc5237aa81b3a8cb463fb09fc4fc2
mode: single
icon: mdi:sofa
I’m not getting any errors when I save it from UI, but then once I’m back to the scripts overview, it is gone.
Mm, weird. Didn’t change anything in the config about scripts? So script: !include scripts.yaml
is part of it?
Hi @septillion
I appreciate that you are trying to help out. I’m new to HomeAssistant (had it installed for 1 week) and I probably made many mistakes in this first attempt, so I decided to start over with a clean install.