As the title says I am trying to display media player now playing artist/song on the display, but sometimes the text is too long to fit on the screen and be readable. Is there a way to scroll long text on this display ? Right now I am using a page like below, but it constantly logs a warning when the text goes out of bounds.
- id: page5 # HEOS INFO
lambda: |-
it.printf(0, 25, id(heos_txt), WHITE, TextAlign::CENTER_VERTICAL, id(heos_artist).state.c_str());
it.printf(0, 75, id(heos_txt), WHITE, TextAlign::CENTER_VERTICAL, id(heos_song).state.c_str());
it.printf(0, 125, id(heos_txt), WHITE, TextAlign::CENTER_VERTICAL, id(heos_source).state.c_str());