Sorry if this is really well documented anywhere, but how do you scroll text on SSD1306 OLED display using ESPHome. I am able to display information easily on the screen but it’s not very useful as due to the size of the screen you can’t fit too much text on there. So is there a way to scroll text if it’s too long to fit on the screen?
Thank you for your help and guidance I really appreciate it.
Unfortunately not, as it’s buffer is just big enough to handle the screen size data at once.
However,you can scroll the text or images on the screen (from side to side), but scrolling outside the screen is impossible, afaik.
As far as I could understand the “scrolling” in espeasy is not actually scrolling. As it isn’t natively supported, someone made a plugin, which he claims it supports scrolling, but it isn’t actual scrolling. It’s more like turning pages (instead of fixed 8 lines it shows two lines at the time and the 4 screens are switching inbetween - it’s slideshow, not scroll).
The actual scrolling we are talking about here is like this one and afaik is not supported by the screen.
Would be interested in this too.
Theoretically if you have a sensor with text and the correct lambda function / code this should be possible to be simulated
But I am not good enough for this C magic perhaps someone has an idea to grab text, cut in in pieces and just refreshes the screen with new text every x seconds.
But seems someone came up with a solution for LCD displays, haven’t tried it but perhaps this could make the trick
It would be possible to simulate, but only as a character by character scroll (which looks at least a bit choppy and not really smooth even when using a monospace font) - pixel by pixel scroll is still impossible.
Unfortunately I’m also not a coder, so even such a solution is out of my hands.
Well, tried anyway, at least on conceptual level (character scrolling, not pixel)
Basic concept: determine text lentgh, print out the text (whatever fits on the screen), clip off the first letter and repeat until clipped to zero with a delay of 333ms between each print.
Unfortunately this code doesn’t work (don’t know why - it just prints out all texts at once one over another and makes an unreadable CF), but maybe someone else will be able to edit it in a way, that it would work.
- platform: ssd1306_i2c
model: "SSD1306 128x64"
reset_pin: GPIO0
address: 0x3C
lambda: |-
std::string str="This is a scrolling text...";
int length = str.length();
it.print(0, 0, id(myfont), str.c_str());
int i = 1;
while (i < length) {
it.print(0, 0, id(myfont), str.c_str());
Well, in case someone is still interested, it took some time, but i managed to simulate it (a bit clumsy) like this:
- id: coords
type: int
restore_value: no
initial_value: '0'
- id: length
type: int
restore_value: no
initial_value: '0'
- interval: 50ms
lambda: |-
if (id(coords) < -(id(length))) {
id(coords) = 0;
else {
id(coords) -= 2;
- file: "ubuntuc.ttf"
id: myfont
size: 32
- platform: ssd1306_i2c
model: "SSD1306 128x32"
update_interval: 50ms
scan: true
lambda: |-
std::string printout="This is a pretty large scrolling text...";
int clength = printout.length();
# multiplication factor (in this case 25) to be determined with trial and error based on your font width - used to reset coords to 0, when text scrolls out of display completely
it.print(id(coords), 0, id(myfont), printout.c_str());;
Replace the printout string with whatever you want to display, adjust your font and determine the multiplication factor (easier for monospace fonts) and that should do the trick.
Here is an example to scroll text smoothly (pixel wise) on a OLED or LED display.
- id: scroll_x
type: int
restore_value: no
initial_value: '0'
- id: scroll_lenght
type: int
restore_value: no
initial_value: '0'
- interval: 50ms
lambda: 'return id(page_counter) <= 4;'
- component.update: watchface
- lambda: |-
if (id(scroll_x) < -(id(scroll_lenght))) {
// Start at right side of clipping area
id(scroll_x) = 210;
else {
id(scroll_x) -= 2;
- platform: ili9xxx
model: GC9A01A
id: watchface
#example display
- id: page1 # Weather today
lambda: |-
auto grey = Color(140, 140, 140);
it.start_clipping(30, 40, 210, 90);
std::string printout=id(YOUR TEXT FROM A TEXT SENSOR).state.c_str();
int clength = printout.length();
id(scroll_lenght) = clength * 10;
// multiplication factor (in this case 10) to be determined with trial and error based on your font width
it.print(id(scroll_x), 50, id(font_24), grey, printout.c_str());