After searching I don’t see anyone who has answered this specific question:
I’m running HA 2024.3.3 on a RPi4b with 2gb. For the last three years I’ve used an SSD as my data disk, but use an SD card as the boot disk. Is there a way of moving the SD boot info to the SSD without losing all my data? Assuming it’s possible can someone please point me to a step-step guide?
( I’m going to upgrade to an 8gb RPi4b & I figured it would be easier once I’ve eliminated the sd card from the steps & probably a good idea to boot (pun intended). )
Create backup.
Shut down
Update your device to boot new HAOS build from SSD only - make sure it boots reliably (basically rebuild as if it were new doing SSD only)
Restore backup.
Make sure everything works.