Search bar for mobile app and Touch interfaces

I use search quite often for entities that I don’t want to have permanently on Lovelace dashboards. I know there’s the “e” keyboard shortcut but that’s no good on touch and mobile app interfaces.

I use the Search card from HACS but it’s quite buggy, sometimes it doesn’t register keypresses at all and the app (on iOS) has to be restarted for it to work again.

I think there should be a native search bar module for Lovelace. What do you think?

Absolutely agree… I also use the search-card, but as you said, it is rather buggy and the dev hasn’t pushed an update for almost a year. My preference would be something very similar - where you can see the current state of an entity, have some basic controls next to it etc.

PS: please vote for your own feature request

I always forget to vote for my own suggestions :joy: it should be default

I think core HA team should just fork and incorporate the Search card, it’s well-designed.

You’re totally right with both of your points :laughing:

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I don’t know if it’s on iOS too, but on android you can do a three finger swipe and it will pull up the entity search :blush:


Doesn’t work in the ios app.