Search for LED light signal with battery


I search for a LED signal light sensor with battery.
In my case, I do not have a extern power next to my door. The goal is to show me when I open the door, “all windows close or not”. All close, the led light is green.

Any solutions of that LED light sensor with a battery?


I don’t know of any LED status lights that are addressable that way, but you could grab an ESP device and use ESP home, an LED light, a reed switch and a battery pack to get you there. If you use a D1 Mini then it could be a relatively small device on your door/window. Or you could get standard contact sensors (i.e., Z-Wave door/window sensors) that have very long battery life and then have HA announce it to you, text it to you or even power a wired/wireless LED in a central location.

If you don’t want it included in HA, then you could do the same above but without the ESP and just wire up a reed switch, battery and LED.