Second binary_sensor never has a state value

I have a nodemuc v3, with a couple of binary sensors. Whichever binary sensor I put second in my YAML file doesn’t have a state associated with it? Any ideas what I’m doing wrong? If I change the order of the binary_sensor in the yaml file then the (new) first sensor has a state, but the (new) second sensor does not.

Here is an extract from my yaml:

  - platform: gpio
    name: "Alarm siren and strobe"
      number: 12
      inverted: True
  - platform: gpio
    name: "Alarm Set Status"
    pin: D0

Any help is much appreciated!


This is an ESPHome bug

you can help by going to F12 and checking network tab, there should show up some “Event” with data comming from the ESPHome to the web page, try to take screenshots of the data.


Ok. Thanks. I can’t add any more to the logged error. Hopefully Otto has all the information he needs to fix.