Hi everyone!
I’ve just installed HA on a mini pc with in a primary SSD and a slave HDD.
In order to do not use the SSD as the disk to store the historical data, logs, etc… I’d like to move them into the HDD.
I know, it has less performance than the SSD but, you know, SSD are not really designed for high updated data changing continuosly.
Is there any way to do that ?
it seems the HDD is known by HA because I can find it on “all hardware” section and it is known as “sda” (the SSD is known as nvme0), but when ran from terminal “df -h” is doesn’t appear as mounted and available…
Could you please help me on that ?
Good ones actually are pefectly fit. They work with some extra cache (often SLC flash) which allows to handle the writes in the best fashion with minimum write ampflication. Some SSD’s allegedly reach a WAF of less than 1 over their lifetime.
Did you try using it as external data disk like described in the documentation?
well, the HDD was the default in the mini pc and I bought a SSD in order to speed up the boot. I know during these last years SSD have improved their life time but… cause I have this HDD, why don’t use it ?
Regarding the external data disk, it means I should remove that HDD, buy a case and potentially provide additional power…does it worth ? mmm
but backing to my previouses questions ? can I move logs and historical data to the internal HDD ? and why it seems the HDD is not mounted ? any command I can run to double check ?
Select the data disk from the list of available devices.
Select Move.
Again the docs show you exactly what happens if you decide to move the data partition. Boot/OS will stay on your SSD and your Data, Logs, HA, Add-ons wil be moved to your HDD.
I doubt that it’s worth it but feel free to tell us about your mileage
Hi @orange-assistant I followed your tips and moved data to the HDD, thanks!
Then I have installed MariaDB, InfluxDB and Grafana.
My question now is to understand where those addons have been installed… is there any way to know where they are (ssd or hdd???) and in case move them into the hdd ?
I tried running the “docker ps” command but I only get the list of dockers without any indication of their path…
but… is there any command I can run in order to see how and where they are ? it is just my curiosity to learn a bit more how home assistant is made… Thanks!
Talking HaOS here so you get just bare minimum OS but with the usual tools (maybe present) like mount, df, etc. should give you something - whatever that is you are seeking for
Or you can just check under Settings > System > Storage to see how much of your data disk is used. Your SSD only host the OS like written.
ok @orange-assistant I got you… yeah I saw there are some limited commands on the terminal… and something advanced (like on a linux system) can be made directly on the container… accessing it using the docker exec command…
The command to move the data disk fails in both the UI and also the terminal. Something to do with not being HAOS - which it is not. This is Debian running HA Supervised on an Orange Pi 5 Plus which is dedicated to HA. This is a ‘supported’ config and everything works fine, except it fails to move the data disk.
How can I make this work? I can use all the Debian tools to move things around and I can make any required configuration changes - if I know what those are. However that is all hidden behind the one single command and when that fails, there seems to be no way to find out what it was actually supposed to do and get it done by other means.
Anyone any clue how to ‘Move the data disk’ when running on Debian?
I dont want to revive a death horse after beaten to death…BUTTTT… Im trying to accomplish something different than OP (I think)
I have a SSD lying around doing nothing and wanted to use it as storage… similar to OP, I rather connect it to the sata bay within my NUC to take advantage of speed, etc.
I may not be undertanding the docs, but I think they only show me how to move the addons, etc…but not how to use a secondary HD just for storage.
I tried googling and several commands within the SSH addon to no luck.
I do see the HD as OP mentioned… in particular in SSH, it shows “boot_slot” B → inactive
I have the same request.
I have a mini PC with a NVM SSD for HAOS including InfluxDB and others. But I want to store the automated backups to an additional SATA SSD that is visible for HAOS as /dev/sda and formatted as EXT4. I do not want to have all data moved to that “external” disk, only the backups that I will then take remotly with a copy job and store it on a NAS.
Any ideas ?