I can’t use esphome on my raspi 3 as it runs out of mem, but I use podman on my fedora laptop. Otherwise it’s all ok, but I can’t figure out what I do wrong with secrets.yaml. I followed the instructions and added these bits:
<<: !include ./foo.yaml
ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password
I have the foo.yaml:
cat foo.yaml
wifi_ssid: ssssssssss
wifi_password: ppppppp
and get an error while running esphome:
$ podman run --rm -v "${PWD}":/config:z -it docker.io/esphome/esphome config glow.yml
INFO Reading configuration glow.yml...
INFO Detected timezone 'Etc/UTC'
Failed config
wifi_ssid: [source ./foo.yaml:3]
Component not found: wifi_ssid.
wifi_password: [source ./foo.yaml:4]
Component not found: wifi_password.
So it clearly finds the foo.yaml (my real stuff is in secrets.yaml, just made dummy file to copy paste here) but for some reason errors while including the secrets. What do I do wrong?
If I have the password in glow.yaml, everything works fine.