Hi I have a Secret Labs Nanoleaf LED desk strip and it has some cool pre set scenes (like blues and whites sweeping across the strip).
In HASS I can only set to solid colors.
Is there a way to import this setting? Or perhaps an add on that can generate those scenes?
I have a Nanoleaf Canvas and that I’m able to control scenes from but for this one, I’m not.
Any advice?
Looking for exactly the same.
But I dont think its possible without using the nanoleaf app or reverse engineering it. I have it setup through HomeKit Device / Bluetooth, and even before I was using HASS, I saw you dont have access to the Scenes in the Apple Home App. Only in the Nanoleaf App.
I know you can make your own animations in HASS, but I have never done so. It might also be trickier with the RGB Strip only supporting bluetooth. Not sure though.
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