Sections: allow a "vertical zig-zag" instead of horizontal

I really like the new “sections” lovelace layout. For some dashboards where the height of each sections varies a lot I think it would be great to have the option to have the dashboard sections populate up-down instead of left-right. As an example I have this dashboard

where the “sensorer” section and the sections with the “udluftning” slider is much lower than the rest of the sections.

It can’t be done without huge changes to how the GUI is set up.

Cards have fixed width and that makes it possible to predict how many cards there can be in the width of the viewable screen, so a left-to-right fill up is easy.
Cards do not have a fixed height and therefore cards can expand to sizes that exceed the viewable height of the screen, so the view screen will have to be movable with a slider. That slider essentially makes the height unlimited, so there is no way to stop all the cards from ending up in column 1.

You might think you can make rules for that, but if you try to formulate them, then there will always be situations that make the formula break and the result will be a mess.

I believe it was mentioned at the latest release party and the Project Grace announcement that ideas and suggestions regarding the new dashboard should be also posted in the Blog Post to be sure the right people see it. This is because the feature is still Experimental.

You might want to post this there as well.

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