Securitas Direct (Verisure EU) Custom Component [TESTERS WANTED]


It is fixed but awaiting for @segalion to review and consolidate in the master copy of the component…


Hi @fchiari, does your perimeter alarm work as “Outside zone” in the Mobile App or as a Secondary Alarm ? If it’s the first case, maybe it’s worth checking your status codes as @furetto72 from Italy, actually reported different statuses. If you want to debug this, check calling the script or my client which is from @segalion based the component and it’s maybe a bit more comprehensive from the CLI.

Something like this:

$ ./ -u your_username -p yourpassword -i your_instalaltion_ID -c IT -l it PERI
$ ./ -u your_username -p yourpassword -i your_instalaltion_ID -c IT -l it DARM
$ ./ -u your_username -p yourpassword -i your_instalaltion_ID -c IT -l it ACT_V2

And check the json output for the status codes.

If your outside zone is a secondary alarm, then the thing gets a bit more tricky and you’d need to follow @jezzard’s guide.

Hope that helps.

Thanks Barto!

I tried this morning to run a check of configuration before upgrading to 0.109.6 but returns an error about securitas direct:

General Errors:
- Component error: securitas_direct - No module named ‘xmltodict’

Anyone updated HA and can check if Securitas is working?

Hi @jezzard, I know you had interest in the images. I’ve finally managed to interact with the API to request pictures and download the JPGs. It took a while of trial and error because, seriously, their API is crap.

You should first look for the ID of the sensor:

$ ./ -u myusername -p mypassword -i 12345 -c ES -l es MYINSTALLATION
  "RES": "OK",
  "MSG": "Petici\u00f3n procesada correctamente",
    "@alias": " ",
    "DEVICES": {
      "DEVICE": [
          "@idDev": "1",
          "@code": "0",
          "@alias": "Entrada",
          "@type": "YR",
          "@aliasType": "Foto detector"

You get the full dump of sensors, I’ve just pasted the first entry. Ok, so let’s take a picture with my “Entrada” sensor, that has ID 1:

$ ./ -u myusername -p mypassword -i 12345 -c ES -l es -s 1 IMG
  "RES": "OK",
  "MSG": "Images written to disk.",
  "FILES": {
    "IMG1": "20200514000129_1.jpg",
    "IMG2": "20200514000129_2.jpg",
    "IMG3": "20200514000129_3.jpg"

Done !

$ ls -la *.jpg
-rw-r--r--  1 xavi  staff  5616 May 14 00:01 20200514000129_1.jpg
-rw-r--r--  1 xavi  staff  5526 May 14 00:01 20200514000129_2.jpg
-rw-r--r--  1 xavi  staff  5316 May 14 00:01 20200514000129_3.jpg

It works, not sure how you can integrate this into Hassio though …

BR !


Thanks for this interesting discussion! Here’s a complete noob with few days HA setup, I’m wondering whats the latency of the verisure/securitas sensors to trigger actions. Looks like cloud polling is not the best option, but I have some door, and pir sensors arround and I would like to use it.

It would be great if we can chat 5 min, for some pro tips. I just drop my telegram

Today I installed Securitas Direct in another house and now I have multi-alarm. Is it possible now to add both installations?

Second house has Sentinel device, is it possible to read it values to show in Hassio?


I have an error message in my log
" AlarmControlPanel is deprecated, modify SecuritasAlarm to extend AlarmControlPanelEntity"
Any idea how I address that


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I’m using in Portugal and the Armed Home is OK, but the armed perimeter is not working, because homeassistant still says is not armed.

I was checking the status with the debug script and I have a status “3” por perimeter armed. I was looking at source code and this code “3” should activate in HA the “CUSTOM_BYPASS”, right?


I have same issue

Detalles de registro (WARNING)

Logger: homeassistant.components.alarm_control_panel
Source: components/alarm_control_panel/
Integration: Panel de control de alarmas (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 10 de junio de 2020 23:48:14 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 10 de junio de 2020 23:48:14

AlarmControlPanel is deprecated, modify SecuritasAlarm to extend AlarmControlPanelEntity

@Cebeerre any chance to see some progress on this integration?

Which integration ?

Hi mfrodrigues.
I’m portuguese to.
Could you send me pm to clarify some doubts.
I first install it on a raspberry pi3 but unable to interact with verisure app.
It accepts my credentials but failed on arm and disarm functions.

since I have updated I see this log.
There is any procedure to fix it?

Logger: homeassistant.components.alarm_control_panel
Source: components/alarm_control_panel/
Integration: Pannello di Controllo degli Allarmi (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 1 luglio 2020, 22:49:31 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 1 luglio 2020, 22:49:31

AlarmControlPanel is deprecated, modify SecuritasAlarm to extend AlarmControlPanelEntity


Hey @ Cebeerre,

I hope you have been keeping well. I have been caught up on a project over the past couple of months but i am now back looking at things.

I am giving the images a shot today. I think for Home Assistant it may have to be a seperate entity to the alarm which collects the images. I am just going through the Home Assistant API.

I will let you know how i get on.



I have never tried on a sentinel device but i do have it working using MQTT to my lightswitches, so there are possibilities out there.

Oh, i see this in the logs as well!!
Its a warning of a future depreciation in the Home Assistant side, so i am will check this against the API. It will be a very small update needed somewhere.


Just to follow up on this issue reported with the AlarmControlPanel is depreciated in HomeAssistant.

It is a very small and simple update of one word thats required to a file in the custom_component folder.

  1. In Home Assistant go to your config directory
  2. Go to custom_component directory
  3. Find and open the file
  4. Around line 57, you will find the line class SecuritasAlarm(alarm.AlarmControlPanel):
  5. Add the word “Entity” to the end of AlarmControlPanel so the line now looks like class SecuritasAlarm(alarm.AlarmControlPanelEntity):
  6. Restart Home Assistant and all is working

I believe @segalion maintains the GitHub for this, so i have tagged him in. It may be worth seeing if this can be set for HACS or even as a full component on HA?



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I’ve just installed the Verisure custom component and setup the configuration.yaml using an example for UK and it seems to be working fine.

I haven’t yet tested the arming/disarming so will update when I do test these.

Also, as per the last post, I just modified the line 57 … changed SecuritasAlarm(alarm.AlarmControlPanel) to SecuritasAlarm(alarm.AlarmControlPanelEntity), to see if it is required for UK, and then restarted the HA.

This gave problem and HA game some error starting the Verisure component - so I revered the change back and restarted the HA, and it works fine.

One question I do have is that within the HA I can now see an alarm component. Is there a way to see the state of every sensor that Verisure has installed in my house, like door and window sensors? Are these visible individually through this integration.


Unfortunately not. Keep in mind that what you’re actually doing here is interacting with the Securitas backend (their servers in their datacenter), not the alarm panel itself. When movement is triggered in one sensor but the alarm is disarmed, the panel does not report this state change to their servers. This just happens when the alarm is armed.


I am in Peru.
Just configured the integration with my system and it works!
Peru’s address is