Securitas Direct (Verisure EU) Custom Component [TESTERS WANTED]

Hi, verisure just released a new app.

I am getting this error on the log, anyone with same problem?

Source: custom_components/securitas_direct/
Integration: Securitas Direct ([documentation](
First occurred: 21 de septiembre de 2020 8:21:05 (12 occurrences)
Last logged: 23:38:02

Securitas: disarming (res=OrderedDict([('PET', OrderedDict([('RES', 'ERROR'), ('ERR', '60067'), ('MSG', 'No hay más información disponible'), ('BLOQ', OrderedDict([('@remotereqactive', '1'), ('#text', 'Our system is under maintenance right now, try later')]))]))]))

Same in here. It stopped working a few days ago. I have had to remove this from my installation…not quite sure if this component is still being maintained…

@jimenbar @gmarquezp mine is working fine even if not maintained

I tried to sniff. Also with the my verisure app you got the same message. So it’s not HA component problem

Hello again and sorry for the low level of support for this custom component during last year.

Now, I am trying to update some requests about this component (working only during next weeks, sorry about so low spare time)…

This is what I want to include:

  1. Improve stability (time response, defense programing, better log support, etc.)
  2. Add camera support (only pictures)
    2.1 create a component for every camera (autodetected)
    2.2 service to take picture ‘camera_snapshot’
    2.3 download all pictures appearing in a location (defined by user). By default, will be the new ‘media’, so you can easyly see all pictures in browser.
  3. Create new events (for detected new pictures)
  4. Include this component in HACS, to make it more easy to install, and update…

Another things (future), but I need some help could be:

  • a flow to UI configuration
  • support for more than 1 alarm for account (please could be great send me PM with your json configations)
  • support for PERImeter alarm (idem).

Could be great to migrate to aiohttp and async mode, but probably takes too effort for me.

Thanks in advance.

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@segalion, thanks a lot for your contribution as usual. Now that you are back with some spare time I have created another pull request with a very minor fix to address the “AlarmControlPanel is deprecated, modify SecuritasAlarm to extend AlarmControlPanelEntity

Saludos, Barto

Hi all, tried to check config before updating to 0.117 and this is the outcome:

General Errors:
- Component error: securitas_direct - No module named ‘xmltodict’

So its been a while since I have been here but i have hit a wall.
Those who have been following will know i have tweaked my setup and config over time so my issues may be deeper but i do not think it is.

As of the past few days i am not able to set the alarm. I can see responses but it seems like the API has gone in to some sort of Read Only mode and returning the message below.

“We have a problem right now, try later”

The issue is only regarding arming and disarming etc. Should i go to the new UK app and interact i see the alarm updates in Home Assistant and via cmd.

Is anyone else getting anything like this? I am not sure if it was at the same time as i updated to 0.117 or not and if it was i cant see what the breaking change might be. Anyone have any ideas??

Things different in my version

  1. Annexe
  2. Photos
  3. Notification of which sensor activated the alarm

Same problem here after the same time of updating to 0.117, I can’t arm alarm or disarm. Even pressing “arm” I’m getting a disarm log:

Logger: custom_components.securitas_direct.alarm_control_panel
Source: custom_components/securitas_direct/
Integration: Securitas Direct ([documentation](
First occurred: 12:14:46 (6 occurrences)
Last logged: 12:15:51

Securitas: disarming (res=OrderedDict([('PET', OrderedDict([('RES', 'ERROR'), ('ERR', '60060'), ('MSG', 'No hemos podido atender tu solicitud. Asegúrate de tener la última actualización de la app My Verisure. Si la incidencia persiste, por favor, contacta con nuestro servicio de Atención al cliente.'), ('NUMINST', '3405071'), ('BLOQ', OrderedDict([('@remotereqactive', '1'), ('#text', 'Estamos mejorando nuestros servicios. Por favor intentelo de nuevo mas tarde. Gracias por confiar en Securitas Direct')]))]))]))

PS: It’s seems they are working in a new Verisure app ( but old one still working and last update is 4 months ago.

Hey @javy97,

Thing is i have been on the new app since they launched it. The API responds.
Have you montiored the alarm in Home Assistant when you change it directly from the app? Do you notice Hiome Assistant updates if you are it in the new app, we just cant change it?
I am trying to find where the update is as i am determined to fix this one

Same problem in here. The component have stopped working. I get the below same error as @javy97 javy97 :

[custom_components.securitas_direct.alarm_control_panel] Securitas: disarming (res=OrderedDict([(‘PET’, OrderedDict([(‘RES’, ‘ERROR’), (‘ERR’, ‘60060’) …

and the request to update the app to the last version. It seems as a breaking change had happened on the SecuritasDirect web interface.

Is it updating for you in Home Assistant when you manually arm or disarm the alarm in the Verisure app?

I actually think i have an idea of the issue but may need some advice from @Cebeerre or maybe @segalion if i cant figure it out myself.

Yes, it is. Last night, from HA was not possible to arm the alarm, I went to the Mobile Verisure App and armed it. Afterwards, I checked HA in it was appearing armed. So it looks like update is rightly happening, but arming and disarming are not.

Give me a clue, maybe I could also help.

Same here! @jimenbar

It seems these guys changed the way to operate with the panel itself as the commands that interact with the panel do not work: ARM1, ARM2, DARM1, DARM2 and so on …

All the rest of API commands like ACT_V2, MYINSTALLATION, work as expected and that’s the reason you can see the status in HA, as the component is still able to check the logs.

I’ll try to sniff the traffic from the App and try to see what’s going on … will keep you posted.



Thank you Cebeerre.
I have same issue


Hi Cebeerre,

Having the same issue as above (commands from HA result in a ‘Disarmed’ trigger in Verisure. HA does update with changes made in Verisure App), and receiving the “please try again later” message in logs.

To note:

I have not upgraded to the new Verisue App for Android
I have not updated to HA 117 yet.
Problem first presented 24 hours ago.



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I am experiencing same problem, and I can confirm API changes.

Please be patient while try to fix it.


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Seems I have a solution, but I have to warn that they have classiffied some actuations, with diferent prices (now is 0.0€, but maybe change in future…).

SEE this message inside the requests response:

“Recuerda que por s\u00f3lo 1e/mes + IVA podr\u00e1s usar My Verisure de forma ilimitada. Al no tener │·······························
activado el servicio, cada operaci\u00f3n tiene un n coste de 0.0 \u0080 + IVA”

I will try to update asap…


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Great work @segalion
I was just taking a look at this and was wondering if the endpoints had been updated for the new app but it seems you are getting more success than i have so far.