Securitas Direct (Verisure EU) Custom Component [TESTERS WANTED]

Prima di tutto devi installare HACS, ce l’hai? se si l’integrazione poi la installi tramite quello

Ciao. Allora, ho installato HACS ed ho provveduto all’integrazione. Ho effettuato la modifica manuale ai file come descritto nei post e vedo il pannello di controllo dell’allarme. Tuttavia riesco solo ad attivare quello totale o disattivare. Potresti gentilmente spiegarmi come fare per inserire anche la modalità allarme notte ed eventualmente quello perimetrale? grazie mille

Bene, dopo diverse ore, sono riuscito a configurare il componente. Tuttavia, ho un problema con il pannello di controllo. In pratica ho i due tasti (allarme in casa e allarme fuori casa). Il tasto fuori casa attiva l’allarme nella giusta modalità, invece il tasto in casa (visto dai log sull’app verisure) disinserisce l’allarme. Come posso risolvere? non saprei dove metter mano. Grazie

Hows this going? see no action since 27 days ago, read something regarding “PR something”


We have the PR open to be integrated in HA

Still waiting

Yes HASP with custom Nexiton Designs for the layout

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intanto inserisci i vari stati dalla card di allarme. Io ho arm_away, arm_home e arm_night

A me funzionano correttamente

Quale app di verisure usi? quella vecchia o quella nuova?

Is it going to get merged in the near future? Don’t really want to mess it today to get it officially supported and installed in a different way in 1 month.

E’ questo il mio problema. Sono alle prime armi con hassio. Potresti gentilmente dirmi quale file modificare per avere nella card i tre stati di allarme come i tuoi? grazie

Being a complete newbie, I prefer to wait for the official HA integration
Essendo un principiante totale, preferisco aspettare che l’integrazione diventi ufficiale in Home Assistant


I have been trying without success, probably because I am newbie to Python. I will continue trying and let you know.

Hello people, I must first congratulate you on this
incredible module.
I have a question that I have not seen in the documentation the states to be able to use them as conditions for automations or how to eliminate the keyboard in the lovelance.
Would someone know how to solve my doubts?
Thank you :wink:

You can use Node red to create flows based on the states of this integration.

Does this mean that its coming in the next HA update?

Hi Everybody,

I am from Belgium and I use the verisure integration in my home assistant.
But since 1h or 2, the integration does not work anymore
The login page now asks me for a security code sent by sms
so I think that’s why the integration doesn’t work anymore
Do you think a solution will be found soon?

nice day

Home assistant team is working to have an official integration in ha. Most likely will be available from next release

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+1 for this request. I tried to remove some code to hide it but couldn’t. It looks like the keyboard is fetched from Securitas together with the arming badge. Could it be?


since latest update 2021.06 I have no longer access to securitas:

2021-06-03 07:37:26 ERROR (SyncWorker_0) [homeassistant.loader] The custom integration ‘securitas_direct’ does not have a valid version key (None) in the manifest file and was blocked from loading. See for more details

Any ideas?

Actually the solution is to add a version number in the manifest.json
I have tried to add it manually but it doesn;t work