Securitas Direct (Verisure EU) Custom Component [TESTERS WANTED]

Problem solved using the securitas integration downloaded from Hacs.

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Great news! How did you get that HACS install? I tried searching for it, but no joy. Thank you!

Thanks worked a charm for me

But I found it in HACS

Thanks! This worked great!

Prob late but is this integration still working? Tried this morning with my PT installation and when I add the sms code it gives an error “unknown error” and does nothing :frowning:


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Hi, it seems to be working fine for me when installed through HACS and used in France, but only for a short period of time. Relatively soon after a home assistant restart, I have the below error that is triggered every minute and it looks like the integration is unable to retrieve the true state of the alarm from that point on.

2024-01-07 12:41:48.401 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant] Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/config/custom_components/securitas/", line 146, in async_update_status
alarm_status = await self.client.update_overview(self.installation)
File "/config/custom_components/securitas/", line 395, in update_overview
token = jwt.decode(
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/jwt/", line 210, in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/jwt/", line 151, in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/jwt/", line 198, in decode_complete
payload, signing_input, header, signature = self._load(jwt)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/jwt/", line 254, in _load
raise DecodeError(f"Invalid token type. Token must be a {bytes}")
jwt.exceptions.DecodeError: Invalid token type. Token must be a <class 'bytes'>

Try upgrading the integration. That problem was fixed a few versions ago.

If that doesn’t work please file an issue here: Issues · guerrerotook/securitas-direct-new-api · GitHub

Does anyone know if this works in Sweden? I am happy to be tester if helpful

Thanks for that integration!
I manage to make it work, but only on the way HA > Verisure. However, the status never changes.
If I change the alarm status physically, it never changes too…
So I am stuck with the disarmed status on my dashboards…
Does anybody has a lead on the potential problem please? (I tried to change check alarm panel status boolean, but it didn’t help…)

It seems to be a Verisure problem…
Their app has the same issue…

In the end, it was my alarm SIM card that had a problem.
Everything is fine now!

Did you manage to get it working?
I am also in PT and I have the very same error.

Yes I have it working for a while. Can’t recall what I did but I believe I was adding the wrong pin. You have to add the pin they gave you when you setup your system. Hope it helps

@duquedaniel ^^