Securitas Direct (Verisure EU) Custom Component [TESTERS WANTED]

Hi All,
A quick question does this component work WITHOUT an active subscription?

No, it doesnā€™t.

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This component works perfectly for me in france.
Nevertheless, I would like to have alarm state as a trigger of some automation.
I actually want to change mode of my heater when I activate my alarm.
Anyone can help me to set the trigger correctly ?
I chose a trigger type ā€œStateā€, put my alarm control panel. But I donā€™t know what to put into from / to fields.

Any help would be appreciated.
thanks !

I found, states was wrong :

  - platform: state
    entity_id: alarm_control_panel.1240000
    to: arm_away


It worked for me after lots of try, only because it finally worked only with user #1 !
I now have the control panel on my lovelace tab, however, nowhere to find anything else even if this is written : ā€œList all your installations and add a panel into Home Assistant.ā€
Iā€™m from now on only able to arm/disarm the verisure system.

How may I know the value of the motion sensor ? Or if the siren is active ? Or to make it easier as this is my goal, how to be able to know if the alarm has been fired ?


How do you install this?
Iā€™ve never installed an addon ā€œoutside the boxā€ (Addons tab in HA)
Iā€™ve tried to install this as a repository (Github) but it doesnā€™t pick it

Ciao, anche io sono nuovo, sto provando a configurare lā€™integrazione Verisure ma neanche mi fa fare il login, mi da sempre lo stesso errore: ā€œAutenticazione non validaā€ come posso risolvere?

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Iā€™ve tried both @guerrerotookā€™s and @javy97ā€™s integrations.

With @javy97ā€™s, I get log messages which contain the status of my alarm (and no others), but the integration does not show up in Home Assistant. I did have to add a "version" key to manifest.json for Home Assistant to accept it.

With @guerrerotookā€™s, I get a notification stating that the securitas integration could not be set up, and nothing in the logs.

Iā€™ve set logging to debug for both custom_components.securitas_direct and custom_components.securitas. Iā€™m running the latest Home Assistant (2022.10.0).

Any ideas what I might be missing to get any one of them to work?

I got @guerrerotookā€™s component to start. The issue was that my PIN code starts with a 0, and is read as an int. I had put it in quotes to ensure that it was read as a string. Iā€™ve filed an issue in the repo.

IT has being solved on last update!

Can someone please go again from zero on this configuration?
I have a fresh installed Verisure alarm system in Italy. Reading through the comments I see that someone has successfully configured this integration.

My question is: how? In almost 400 comments I got a little lost honestly.
Thanks! :slight_smile:

Hello everyone, iā€™m trying to install this integration in ITALY.
followed instructions, i receive this error

The system cannot restart because the configuration is not valid: Invalid config for [securitas_direct]: required key not provided @ data['securitas_direct']['installation']. Got None. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 34).

my yalm line 34

  username: xxxxxx
  password: xxxxxx
  code: 1234
  country: IT

what is wrong?
thank you so much!

Error says that the ā€œinstallationā€ parameter is not set. Do note that you must insert such parameter in configuration.yaml. You can get your installation ID from the Verisure/Securitas App or web interface after login in:

This is the yaml code I have for Securitas Direct Spain:

  username: securitas_user
  password: securitas_password
  installation: securitas_installation_ID
  code: securitas_code
  country: ES
  lang: es

WOW. it works! thank you so much!

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Canā€™t get it to work in France with the new Verisure app. The app itself always uses two-factor authentication (with a code sent by SMS to your phone) so I canā€™t see this ever being possible, sadly!

If anyone knows a way round this, please let me know.

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You can create an extra user, for example ā€œHomeAssistantā€ with a very good password. And turn off the two-factor authentication. Use this userā€™s credentials in you home assistant instance.

Thanks. But sadly, Verisure France wonā€™t let you turn off two factor authentication. I asked - twice - and they insist itā€™s impossible.

Same issue here in the uk. It was working fine for months on end. Suddenly stopped working and cannot disable the double factor authentication


Iā€™m in the UK and this stopped working suddenly over the last couple of days. Before that, it was super stable and working just fine.

Seems that thereā€™s an authentication error ā€œ403 Client Errorā€. Any ideas on a fix/workaround?

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They added two way authentication and now i think we need to authorize the device for the first time.
But i donā€™t know how to do it at the moment :frowning: