Hi, I have 3 hacked Dafang camera and 1 Foscam and I’m using them as my security camera. I have now integrated them into my HA using generic camera component and display them on Lovelace UI with picture glance card.
However, I found there have been stability issues, where sometimes the picture glance does not show the images and the RTSP streaming is showing 2 days delay. Also, I found a bunch of streaming component error in the HA logs.
I’m using RPi4 with 4GB ram and don’t think the issue was due the hardware limitation and I believe it is related to the camera component of the HA.
Can you suggest what is the best way to integrate camera to HA? I came across with third party component such as Motioneye and Blueiris. However, I’m not sure if my RPi4 is capable to handle both the HA instance and these camera components.
What will be the best hardware to handle both HA and the third party CCTV software? Is single NUC system is good enough? Or it is preferable to split them into different piece of hardware?
Please advise and thanks in advance.