Over the past few years I invested in Wyze V1, then replaced with V2 cams, then replaced those with V3 cams. I now have 8 V3 cams in total around my house. Since I set them up with their RTSP firmware mod (which is no longer officially supported), I’ve had nothing but problems with them working over RTSP.
In short, they suck for HA integration.
They work fine in the Wyze app, but they just can’t hold their own over RTSP. The latest frustration is that the cams keep magically turning the RTSP toggle off, so I have to reconfigure the name/password every time just to get them back in gear.
Coupled with zero response to my questions in this forum about this (thus concluding nobody is using Wyze cams with HA), I’ve come to the conclusion that the best solution is to start slowly phasing them out for another brand.
I know a lot of new cameras are always coming out on the market, and I know none of them match the awesome price of the Wyze cam V3… but I would love to know:
Which security cameras do you recommend, mainly for outdoor use (wireless)? Hopefully something that is at least similar in quality (especially at night) for HA integration?