Security camera snapshot notification does not update image

Hello everyone, I’m very grateful to all the developers first, this project is incredible!

I created an automation to be able to take a snapshot of the security camera and send a notification with the image to my Andoird and my wife’s iPhone when someone presses the video intercom. However, on Android the image doesn’t always update, sometimes it updates and sometimes it ends up with a cache image, I think.
I always look at the image saved by the snapshot and it is always correct so I believe it is a bug in the Android app since the iOS app works.

Here’s the automation I did:

alias: "Notificação ao tocar campainha "
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - binary_sensor.sensores_esp_campainha_do_portao
    from: "off"
    to: "on"
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 0
condition: []
  - service: camera.snapshot
      filename: /config/www/images/ruaFundos.jpg
      entity_id: camera.rua_fundos
  - service: camera.snapshot
      filename: /config/www/images/ruaEntrada.jpg
      entity_id: camera.rua_entrada
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 1
      milliseconds: 0
  - service: notify.mobile_app_moto_g200_5g
      message: TOCARAM O INTERFONE
      title: "Camera Rua fundos "
        image: /local/images/ruaFundos.jpg
        clickAction: /lovelace/monitoramento
  - service: notify.mobile_app_moto_g200_5g
      message: TOCARAM O INTERFONE
      title: "Camera Rua Frente "
        image: /local/images/ruaEntrada.jpg
        clickAction: /lovelace/monitoramento
  - service: notify.mobile_app_iphone_de_lorena_f_correa_rosa
      message: TOCARAM O INTERFONE
      title: "Camera Rua fundos  "
        image: /local/images/ruaFundos.jpg
        clickAction: /lovelace/monitoramento
  - service: notify.mobile_app_iphone_de_lorena_f_correa_rosa
      message: TOCARAM O INTERFONE
      title: "Camera Rua Frente  "
        image: /local/images/ruaEntrada.jpg
        clickAction: /lovelace/monitoramento
mode: single

Thank you all!

Yes i have had the same issue for the last few weeks.

Did you manage to fix this? Mine is still doing the same thing

so this is just a bug? it should clear in due time?

Mine still does this and i have updated to the latest version recently. I have not been able to work out why it does this.

add a unique parameter to each call, so your phone won’t cache.
I usually add a timestamp like this

image: https://<mydomain>{{as_timestamp(now())}}
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Does this not cause storage issues on your HA server if you are appending the image with the time and date!

The image is stored 1time only. Datetime is only added in the client.
Edit: typo
Everything after the ? Is only handled by the client. It serves the same file but because the parameter is different it does not relay on caching.

Thanks, do I just append the notification image url
Or the capture ones too?

only the once for notification,
the captured one is overwritten everytime a new image has been created.
(at least if you do it like this)
for my video’s I run a cleanup action afterwards to clean up everything after a 100 days.