
Think I have the right place. as I keep repeating I am a newbie making gradual progress. I am try to add this custom integration . In the README file it tells me to…

To add SecuritySpy to your installation, go to the Integrations page inside the configuration panel and add a Server by providing the IP Address, Port Username and Password for the SecuritySpy Webserver you set up above.

I am probably to much of a newbie… but I sure cant find any way to “add a Server”. Any help would naturally be appreciated

I don’t use this integration but if it is like any of the others that have to be set up through the UI those instructions are a bit sparse and leave an important step out.

Once you have added the integration through HACS and restarted, go to the Configuration / Integrations page and click the + Add Integration button in the lower right corner of the page. Search for SecuritySpy and add it. This should then prompt you for the server details.

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Thanks… It’s probably my lack of knowledge but I can no manage to follow the included instructions on that… Its says

This Integration is not part of the default HACS store yet. You can add is a Customer Integration in HACS by adding to HACS under settings.

I have been Totally unable to so that . I can get the file area but I can’t add it… Real learning experience…

Add the custom repository here (top right of HACS):


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THANK YOU!! I had thought that since this was under Github It should already have been under there…

OK. the my bad. I did not realize that an HACS integration would be move to the main integrations… another newbie mistake I think