I was trying to find out a way to see the current radiator valve position(s) but it seems there is just no information around.
After fiddling around a bit, I opened one of the climate-entities and there is an attribute “heating_power_request” and there you are! As far as I can see, this corresponds directly to the valve position(s) in my rooms.
Here an example with the temperature and the valve position values:
I used Grafana to show the data above. There are a lot of settings you can adjust there.
Unfortunately I do not have that diagram anymore, just created it for test purposes.
But check out Grafana and the related diagram settings, maybe some tutorials on Youtube or so. It is a mighty tool.
@mischung thanks, I’ll give It a try.
I have a question: could this be a way to “force calibrate” valves?
It happens to me, sometimes, that a valve does not close completely and I have to recalibrate It. It’s noticeable because the temperature in that room keeps raising without any heat request from the same valve.
I’m no expert thus I’m searching for other Netatmo HA users with more expertise than myself.
@AndreT1 So you want to trigger a new calibration automatically when the valve does not close like it should do? And you assume, that the valve position will show that it is not closed completely? Hope I got the question right
Unfortunately I think this will not work
I cannot see an entity for the valves in HA to trigger a new calibration, so unfortunatly this has to be done inside the Netatmo-App AFAIK
My guess is, that your valve will still show 0 % position, even if it is not closed completely. In case the re-calibration solves your issue, the valve “thinks” it is calibrated correctly before that, so it will of course show it is fully closed even when it’s not.
But you can of course try and see if the valve behaves different
I never had problems with valves not closing completely, but with valves not opening up “enough”. They showed me 40 %, but almost no water flow was happening.