See Netatmo radiator valves position information


I was trying to find out a way to see the current radiator valve position(s) but it seems there is just no information around.

After fiddling around a bit, I opened one of the climate-entities and there is an attribute “heating_power_request” and there you are! As far as I can see, this corresponds directly to the valve position(s) in my rooms.

Here an example with the temperature and the valve position values:

This is the entity seen from the “Developer tools”-section:

To “extract” this value as a seperate sensor I created a template-sensor for each room (here an excerpt from my configuration.yaml):

- platform: template
      friendly_name_template: "Valve Position Office"
      value_template: '{{["heating_power_request"] | round(1) | float }}'
      unit_of_measurement: "%"

Of course you can also simply add a “Helper” template-sensor and avoid the configuration.yaml:

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

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It works, thanks!

Just how do you customize the chart to have blue and orange shadow like background?

Thank you.

Hi, sorry for the late reply, I was on vacation :slightly_smiling_face:

I used Grafana to show the data above. There are a lot of settings you can adjust there.
Unfortunately I do not have that diagram anymore, just created it for test purposes.

But check out Grafana and the related diagram settings, maybe some tutorials on Youtube or so. It is a mighty tool.