Hey… I need to exchange a calendar entity (underlying caldav server changed) and thus want to know where the current entity is used (I know it’s used in some template sensors but don’t want to miss any).
Is there a way to see “incoming references” to an entity? Me liking to use vs code, where are all those settings stored that I do within the UI, so that I could just do a full text search (and maybe even replace) on it?
From the entity’s more info panel, select Related from the … menu at the top right. This will however only list literal references, like any automation where the reference is literally entity_id: xxx.my_entity. It will not catch anywhere the entity id is constructed through use of a template, like entity_id: "{{ 'xxx.' + 'my_entity' }}.
Yeah the “related” doesn’t look really deep into other items, like template sensors and stuff like that…
Spook looks interesting (at least I read about repair items for dangling entity references), but till now I tried to avoid any custom integrations to keep everything clean and stable.
I found the config/.storage folder where the template sensors can be found in json files, that’s ok for now… Still I’m somehow confused that HA doesn’t provide or even have a clear sight on references across entities - isn’t this needed anyway for triggering updates on templates when a referenced entity changed its state…?