Seeking best LED Stripe controller for HA

Hey, I am trying to make well working LED strip for my automatizations in HA. I had been longtime user of ready made solutions like Philips Hue strip or IKEA Ormanas, but I am try to work with something more flexible and DIY friendly.

Recently I bought a RGB+WW LED strip by BTF with their controller ( )
Unfortunately it seems to be lacking when it comes to HA compatibility. Even though the main features are there, it is not able to for example blend over time from one scene to another and also even though there is the white channel, the channel is not used to improve color accuracy of the RGB ones (like the IKEA and Philips Hue are capable of) and instead uses either the white channel or the RGB ones. Those are actually my main requirements since I want the led strips to work well in combination with my other lights / match them in color. I don’t need individual addressability of the LEDs.

So now I would like to know if someone has any experience with better LED Strip controller.
I’ve been hearing a lot about the Glepopto one so if any of you have experiences with it or can test those things I mentioned I would be very grateful.

My requirements:

  • Full utilization of the RGBW channels working together to create the most accurate color shade

  • Color and intensity blending between two Scenes the strip is part of