Seeking Help with Establishing Communication Bus between ESP8266 Devices

I’m working on a home automation project using multiple ESP8266 (D1 Mini) devices placed throughout my house. Each device is connected to various sensors, and for the sake of reliability, I would like to avoid wireless communication. Additionally, I want to avoid increasing the size of the devices by adding W5500 modules and an Ethernet connector.

My goal is to establish a communication BUS between these ESP8266 devices, where they can send sensor data to a designated master device. For instance, I have a button connected to one of the ESP8266 slave devices, and I would like to transmit the button’s state to an ESP8266 master device.

Is it possible to implement this type of connection between ESP devices? Can I send the ON/OFF state of one or more buttons/sensors to a master device?

The master device will be connected via Ethernet and will send the information via MQTT.

Do you have any suggestions?