Seeking recommendations for a new hot water heater purchase

I’m looking to get a tankless unit. I’ve seen people here say Rinnai with the R-module until will integrate into HA.

If you’re using one, would you recommend the manufacturer and model you are using? Have you heard of other systems you wished you had gone with instead?

What I’m looking for specifically is the ability to not only to “request” hot water with their app, or their proprietary motion sensors, is the ability to use HA to mimic that request, so I can use any motion sensor I want. While having cloudless control would be nice (so internet isn’t required) as long as I can control the thing via HA would make me happy.

And if it’s not too personal, could you share the general costs involved? I’ve gotten quotes for a Rinnai and Navien, both around 7k. Installed. Though I have a funny feeling about this contractor so I’m getting more quotes.