Seeking some guidance on creating scenes or automation for climate control

Hello, this is my first time posting, and I’m still a very inexperienced Home Assistant user. If there’s better ways for me to ask for help, please let me know :slight_smile:

I am using the Daikin integration and I am interested in getting some Automations and Scenes going. So far I’ve experimented with a simple Automation (configured using the UI editor) to turn on/off the AC using a Service call. Using a time-based trigger I was able to get something to work.

Now, about Scenes. As I understand it, you compose a Scene in HA by describing how things (entities) should be, and then you can activate a scene from a dashboard. If my understanding is correct, what I would like is to define a couple of basic climate scenes, such as:

  1. No AC
  2. Night-time AC - set HVAC to “cool” and a predefined temperature

Using the UI editor (via Devices > Scenes > + button), I tried to create these. After a bit of clicking around, and some slight YAML tweaks, this is the YAML config for the two scenes:

- id: '1666607473867'
  name: Turn AC off
      - fan_only
      - dry
      - cool
      - heat
      - heat_cool
      - 'off'
      min_temp: 7
      max_temp: 35
      target_temp_step: 1
      - Low
      - Mid
      - High
      #current_temperature: 25
      #temperature: 25
      fan_mode: Low
      hvac_action: 'off'
      friendly_name: Daikin AC
      supported_features: 9
      state: 'off'
  metadata: {}
- id: '1666610791078'
  name: Night-time AC
      - fan_only
      - dry
      - cool
      - heat
      - heat_cool
      - 'off'
      min_temp: 7
      max_temp: 35
      target_temp_step: 1
      - Low
      - Mid
      - High
      current_temperature: 21
      temperature: 21
      fan_mode: Low
      hvac_action: cooling
      friendly_name: Daikin AC
      supported_features: 9
      state: cool
  metadata: {}
  icon: mdi:moon-waning-crescent

Unfortunately, the scenes do not work as expected. I have created a GIF to demonstrate how the AC changes when I activate each scene.


The summary is:

  1. “Turn off AC” momentarily turns it off, but then something turns it back on again (and you can see this in the Logbook).
  2. “Night-time AC” momentarily changes the temperature (to 21), but then something overrides it and it goes back to what it was (to 20).

What I would love to know is:

  1. How do I better understand what is causing the momentary changes? The logbook doesn’t provide any more depth.
  2. Is this a potential bug in the Daikin integration? Or somewhere else? If so, do I need to report it on Github for it to be looked at?
  3. Am I using Scenes correctly? I would assume so… but then again the Automation config seems so much easier. Is it common to achieve what I want using Automation instead of Scenes? (Or Scripts, perhaps? I haven’t look into those yet.) I wonder if the buggy behaviour is caused by trying to set state on the entity, rather than service calls?

Thanks in advance!

Hey there,
Did you ever get this working for your Daikin?

I am also new to Home Assistant, and have some automations setup to turn on/off and set hvac_mode based on whatever, but I cant for the life of me figure out a way to change the temp or fan speed.

Yeah this is broken. It is not possible to turn Daikin AC off via a scene. It does work for turning it on though, which is odd. Probably worth opening a ticket for this bug.