Seemingly simple light automation!

So this is what I’m struggling with today.
2 sets of lights to be switched on when light level falls to a certain level but only when that occurs after a set time.
Should be simple I thought but if I set the trigger as the light level and the time as a condition then it looks at the light level at the set time only not any time after that.
Alternatively if I set the time as the trigger and the light level as the condition I get the same problem.
Can we set a condition of “if time is greater than X” somehow?
Any other ideas?
Many thanks for any input?

Can you show your code of the automation?

In that case it should be the antoher way around. When the light level falls below a certain value, the time condition will evaluated and when it is after a certain time, the light is turned on.

  - alias: 'Turn on lights'
      - platform: numeric_state
        entity_id: sensor.light_outdoors
        below: 20
      - condition: time
		after: '18:00:00'
      - service: switch.turn_on
        entity_id: light.livingroom, light.bathroom

Thanks, I couldn’t find how to do “after” for the time condition.
Thought it should be simple.

Didn’t look very hard…

Trying to do things via a phone screen, not a good idea.