Seems that my sensor is accumulationg values, that is not my need


In my yaml I have

    - name: 'Kube 1 vekt'
      unique_id: kube1Vekt
      state_topic: 'bikuber/kube1/vekt'
      unit_of_measurement: 'Kg'

Load on weight is steady 25 kg
HA gives this:


Seems that there is some issue, looks like “sensor state class: total_increasing”

Any tip to get?

Home assistant only reports the number sent by the mqtt broker.

If the numbers are accumulating you are either subscribed to the wrong topic or your scale is set up to accumulate.

Tell us about your sensor hardware.

Graph title is “Kube 1 (4) vekt” which doesn’t match the configuration. Either you’ve customised it in the UI, or that is not a plot of that sensor.

To be clear to anyone else reading this, you’ve manually drawn the red line on, right?

Good catch :smiley:

It was clear to me that the trend line had been added manually to show the increasing spiked readings.

It took me a few minutes to realise, because the 25kg “real” reading is so close to the x-axis. I initially thought it was increasing with spurious dropouts to zero rather than mostly steady with bizarre spurious spikes that fit the added trend line.


thanks for helping me.
Red line is added by me!

The text on graph is only a tag,
the sensor topic is “bikuber/kube1/vekt” where bikuber = beeHives, vekt = load

My yaml config is:

    - name: 'Kube 1 vekt'
      unique_id: kube1Vekt
      state_topic: 'bikuber/kube1/vekt'
      unit_of_measurement: 'Kg'

I think that values are accumulating in some way.
I’m new to HA so this is a bit difficult in the beginning.

I see this

Any tip to go one step further?

The system is a LoRa sender, and a LoRa reciver. The receiver sends data to HA
Sender, ESP32 WROOM , HX711 reading a scale, sending to receiver (and a few other sensors)

Did you write the firmware that reads the load cell?

Use MQTT Explorer (free) to see what values are being sent to your mqtt topic.

If they are increasing it has nothing to do with Home Assistant, which will not accumulate readings unless you tell it to.

Yes and no, I use open source libraries. This hobby project started 13 months ago, no previous experience in Arduino. The scale has been extremly difficult to get stable over time, it runs 24/7. Rest of system is not so difficult, but it takes some time and effort :wink:

hx711 library: GitHub - bogde/HX711: An Arduino library to interface the Avia Semiconductor HX711 24-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) for Weight Scales.

Shure, I will test it. Thanks.