Seeting up styj02ym in home assistant

Im trying to set my My styj02ym vacuum ad after reading some guides, I get it to show the vacuum entity in home assistant via miio2.

However, is not working and is always showing not available.

these are my configuration setting


# Loads Xiaomi Vaccum styj02ym

  - platform: miio2
    unique_id: vac1
    host: <- entered my vacuum IP address
    token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <- my vacuum token
    name: Xiaomi_Vac



Appreciate it if anyone that has successfully integrated styj02ym vacuum to shed some light on this lost soul.

Hello, I’m late to answer you but I just tried using my vacuum (same model as you) and was able to do so using “Xiaomi Miot Auto” integration (it is available in HACS)